New Attached and Detached Garage Builders in Hampton Roads
Building a new garage can add value to your home, both in terms of its economic worth and its ease and utility for you, while you live there.
Looking for a qualified garage builder to construct your garage?
We operate in the Hampton Roads area and work mostly in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk and Pungo areas, but also serve Hampton and Newport News.
Depending on what you plan to use your garage for, the construction process can range from very simple to much more complex.
This page will break down the types of garages you might want to build and what steps will go into the construction of each.
To begin with, we’ll take a look at the things all new garage construction requires, no matter which kind of garage you plan to end up with

Any new construction on your property will require permits and inspections. In order to obtain the permits, you’ll need a design for your new garage and a timetable of construction so you’ll be able to schedule the necessary inspections. Unless you are very experienced with the drafting and design process, you’ll probably want to hire an architect or builder to help you come up with plans. Which one (or both) of these you choose will depend on the scale and style of your new construction. If the project is very complicated, you may want to consider hiring a permit service to take care of all of these forms, fees, and schedules. The fees from missing any of these can be considerable, and a service guarantees that no mistakes will be made at this stage.
Whether you’re paying cash or seeking a homeowner’s loan for your new construction, you’ll need to have financing worked out one way or the other. If you’re seeking a loan, you’ll need to take a rough plan and possibly an inspection report of the land you plan to build on to your bank. The easiest thing to do here is to simply call your financial institution and ask what they’ll require.
Detached Garages (Unfinished Interior)
This is probably the most straightforward of all garage building processes. In most cases, you’ll be able to find pre-made garage plans that suit your needs and only need minimal customization to fit onto your property and match well with your home’s exterior design. You may need to hire a local designer or architect to modify the plans in order to make sure your new structure fits with your home. Your homeowner’s association may have specific requirements, so make sure you check with them if this applies to you.
Even if you don’t plan on finishing the interior for use as a part- or full-time extended residence, it’s smart to make sure it is wired for enough electricity and outlets that you could convert it in the future. For the same reason, take a look at whether it would be worth it to run water into the space as well. Even if you never end up taking this option, it may add enough value to your new structure that it’s worth doing anyway. Check values of homes in the surrounding area with similar improvements to see if this will be the case for you.
Detached Garages (Finished Interior)
If you plan on using your garage as a residence or extended living space, you’ll have some extra considerations in addition to the ones above. Obviously, finishing the walls and floor will be a priority. You’ll also need to insulate the walls better in order to allow for heating and cooling, examine heating and cooling mechanisms for the structure, and consider storage for any garage activities or materials that aren’t desirable in a residence. For instance, you may have an area in your finished garage that still allows you to park your lawnmower in it, but you probably still won’t want to keep gasoline for that lawnmower in the room where your mother stays when she comes to visit. Make sure that when your project is done, it will have all of the functionality you need.
Attached Garages (Unfinished Interior)
Attached garages come with all of the same concerns as unattached ones do, plus a few more. You’ll need an architect to design the exterior so that it flows smoothly with the main mass of your home. Garages that are too large and overwhelm the main structure are one of the main tip-offs that a home hasn’t been properly or thoughtfully designed, and can give a house the “McMansion” look that can easily lower property values. Additionally, attached garages require more careful storage of hazardous materials. Even though a former exterior wall will separate the garage from the house, when the garage is in use (even if it isn’t integrated into the airflow system of the house) there is an increased risk of fumes carrying through to the main house. Make sure that your plans include storage for volatile chemicals.
Attached Garages (Finished Interior)
This style of garage combines all of the concerns of an attached, unfinished garage and an unattached, finished one. You’ll need to make sure plans include design, airflow, heating, cooling, finishing surfaces, and proper storage for volatile chemicals.
Hiring a builder that can also act as an architect is frequently possible for these smaller building jobs, so make sure to ask around and find out if this is an option for you. No matter who ends up doing the design work for your structure, if you have a homeowner’s association, make sure that you follow any guidelines they have in place. Even without an association, it’s a good idea to make sure your design is going to look good with your existing home in order to protect your home’s value.